iPad Experiment

Ok, so I’ve had the iPad for a while now and it’s been a great help to me for work. Just being able to mark up PDF papers (I read a lot of academic papers and the ability to highlight corrections etc in my thesis drafts is fantastic), keep a copy of my notes beside my Macbook screen and be a small, easy to use, portable device I can easily carry around, easier than my MBP is terrific.

This past weekend I visited Leeds and managed to use the iPad as my main method of working/browsing the web/connecting to people and it performed pretty damn well.

However, tomorrow I’m going to try and last the day using only the iPad, based on an article I mentioned earlier last year (I swapped my MacBook for an iPad+Linode OffSite Link). So tomorrow, I’ll be attmepting to work solely from my iPad. Well, maybe note quite solely, I’ll be using the equipment below.


  • iPad 2 (16GB wifi model)

  • Logitech Tablet Keyboard

  • Mac Mini (running at home – connectable via VNC)

  • Headphones and iPad Stylus

Based on that equipment, I should be covered for everything I need. I’ll be using iPad native apps where possible – ideally I’d like to minimise the use of the VNC connection as I know that isn’t an option if I don’t have a network connection (either where I am or if my home network craps out!)

Either way, I’ll be posting tomorrow (or Saturday) on how it goes!